Dear Chris,
Sometimes thing don't turn out the way you want them too. I'm sorry that you felt you had to flip out and be irrational over a simple situation. Just like any story ... there's not more than one side, but just different beliefs ... here's Chris'. We are going to leave it on so that the world sees the pure hatred that can be found in this kid. Need some entertainment, read away below:
Believe what you want to believe. It doesn't matter
to us anymore.
-Fade Out (Troy, Neil and Sean)
(p.s. - Oh yeah, and what's this about Fade Out not
being a band anymore? Could be so, but who are you to decide Chris? Who made
up all the songs again?)
"Fade Out is no more. A heartless incident involving Troy Fullerton and Neil McWilliam has made Chris, the drummer and main source for equipment, quit. They ditched him on graduation night in an awful scenario which left Chris stranded. He just stayed in and slept on the most important day of his life. Thanks alot guys. This isn't something that will be forgiven. This shitty night will be something I never forget. Fuckers. Oh yea...hey guys. The web site is completely gone now. Non-existant. Everything deleted and nowhere anymore. Cleaned the server and its on no one's hard drive. I felt it was the only way I could partially pay you guys back. Seems like a small price to me.
Here is the story, as told by Chris, as to why the break up has occured: heres the story: We were supposed to play at Lonnie McDuff's party the night after my graduation. They confirmed it and agreed to play. Sure enough, after promising the night before to jam at 12:00 or 1:00 on this day, the band was nowhere to be found. Wasted my whole fuckin day looking for them and didn't find them till like 4:00. We were supposed to have the gear at Lonnie's by then and we hadn't even jammed yet. Hadn't in 2 months. I was soooooo pissed. I got over it and we said we'd take the gear up right after graduation. Troy was gonna take his van. Graduation was awsome, we left the reception and people started saying they didnt wanna go to Lonnie's cause they were scared cause her dads the leader of the Baukus Boys (a biker gang). So poeple decided to go to Wally Fowlers. I was pissed cause Troy said he was going wherever Tracy (his girlfriend) went. She went to Wallys so he said he was going too. I was sooo pissed. I flipped out. Told him he ruined my graduation night and I'd never forget it. I was in such a bad position..everyone was still at Lonnie's waiting for us to show up and play. Everyone was expecting us. And all the other bands were supposed to use our gear. I couldn't show up now with no gear or band (plus Troy was my drive and he wasn't going anymore). He made me a deal...said he'd go up and play all our songs then come home. I said that'd be perfect. So he said he was on his way with his van. I went to the basement and lugged ALL our gear (drums, amps, EVERYTHING!!) up outside, onto my deck. Waited and waited and waited. After like twenty minutes I called Troy back and he told his mom to tell me that him and Neil decided not to go and they were gone to Wally's. They just fuckin left. Left me stranded. I fuckin flipped. Neil eventually called and I yelled at him then hung up. I tore my fuckin room apart and just lost it. Fuckin faggots. I'm never forgeting this. They're getting paid back next year when they graduate. I'm gonna make their lives a living hell. My fuckin christ... I'm overwhelmed in anger. Fuck." - Chris Cowan